A painfully honest examination of one woman's attempt to not only conquer her kitchen, but also remove herself from the shadow of her father's greatness and establish her own culinary identity... dramatic, aren't I? ;)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The "full spread" - amazingly enough, there weren't too many leftovers!

I *earned* that wine!

Thanksgiving dinner ROCKED!!! I'm waiting to get the pics emailed to me from my aunt, so once that happens, I will post them on here.

Talk about a marathon! A true test of endurance - I was cooking for 9 hours straight! That's longer than I've ever cooked before, at one time. I started around 8:30(ish) a.m., and didn't sit down til around 6 p.m.! OMG my back and legs were burning in agony, I was physically and mentally exhausted, and yet, it was all worth it when my dad told me how perfectly everything had turned out, and how proud of me he was :D WOOHOO!!!!

The menu had some last-minute changes, most notably the addition of another turkey (yes, that would be 26 lbs of turkey total) and the omission of the ham, cheesecake (*sniffle* I really wanted that too), and macaroni and cheese, due to a lack of time and space in the oven. All in all though, I had a great time making everything - I made sure my iPod was fully loaded and juiced up, and ended up rocking out while cooking :)

Like I said, I'll post pics ASAP!

Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!


Blogger wheresmymind said...

Can't wait to see your pix! I've been dying to see how things turned out

10:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Turkey Day for me sucked on so many levels, for so many reasons... But I did get to eat some good food at least... :)

11:19 AM

Blogger *Chef Marina* said...

I can't wait to see my pics either!! I asked my aunt again (!) to send them to me, and now she's in New Mexico with my mom! The nerve... ;) I promise - I really will post them asap!!!
And I'm sorry to hear that you had a sucky turkey day :(

8:20 PM

Blogger Lea said...

EGADS! TWO turkeys!! mmmmmmm... turkey...

okay girl.... COOK SOME MORE! You havent posted since Thanksgiving.. WTF!?

9:34 AM

Blogger *Chef Marina* said...

Lea: I *promise* once I get a new camera, I will post some more! :) Don't give up on me just yet!

8:20 AM


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