A painfully honest examination of one woman's attempt to not only conquer her kitchen, but also remove herself from the shadow of her father's greatness and establish her own culinary identity... dramatic, aren't I? ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am DONE with school!

Sorry (again!) for being away so long ... but I had to finish up my school so now I have a few weeks before I go pick up my Associate of Science degree (woot!!) and I walk in the graduation ceremony in May.

My plan for now is to continue working at The Surf Bar and Grill in Cocoa Beach while I try to get my "Chef For Hire" business off the ground. I put together a to-do list (and updating this blog was on the list) and now need to get a web page, some business cards, and join a few organizations, but hey, this is a start, right?

On a personal note, my boyfriend Brett and I celebrated our two-year anniversary in December. He's also in the restaurant industry, and is in the management program at Outback. We have three cats, which we completely spoil as our kids, and all of them are strays we adopted.

Over the next few weeks I will be uploading a bunch of pictures from school and work to build my portfolio, so keep checking back!


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